Our School
Percy Julian Middle School is located in Oak Park, Illinois. Our team consists of 7th grade students from two of Mrs. Court's Global Virtual Classroom Courses. Julian Middle School is a 6-8 building that services around 900 students. Students attend school from 9-3:30 and take 5 core subjects along with 2 electives, pe, and a lunch. Julian has a large focus on preparing 21st century learners that have a high self-esteem, solid sense of teamwork, and respect for others.

1st Period 7th Graders
Service Learning Club
A very important aspect of our school is our Service Learning Club. This program is responsible for corresponding all of the Service Learning opportunities here at Percy Julian Middle School. The club assists with coat drives, food drives, the hunger crop walk, and Adopt-a-Family.
PBIS is our behavior matrix here at Julian and it focuses on the idea of promoting and rewarding positive behavior in our school. We want to teach our students to be kind to one another here at school in hopes that this will transfer outside the four walls of this school. One large focus of PBIS is respect. One thing our PBIS comittee did this year was organize an Anti-Bullying Program. We want our students to be updstanders, to learn how to handle bullying instead of being bystanders. Please click here to read an article featured in the Tribune about what District 97 is doing to end bullying in the middle schools.