Child abuse includes physical, sexual, and emotional. There is also neglect. Child neglect is when a parent, guardian, or other caregiver does not provide for a child’s basic needs. Neglect includes not providing food, shelter, supervision, health care, schooling, affection or support. Physical abuse is an injury inflicted to a child by anyone, including parents. Physical abuse includes things such as fractured or broken bones, burns, severe bruises and any other major physical harm. Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior that will hurt a child with emotional, psychological, and social development. Emotional abuse can include constant criticism, threats, holding affection, and more. When a child is physically or sexually abused, they could be emotionally abused as well.

How Can We Help?
If you know anyone who is undergoing child abuse it is important to report it to the proper authorities. In the United States if a student is injured due to Child Abuse you should call 911 at the time of the incident. If you suspect that someone is undergoing abuse you should file a report with the Depart of Children and Family Services (Ct.Gov). We should always have hope that there is always an angel for a child to protect him/her. |